Tesco is now stocking salad from vertical farm GrowUp, the first range of ready to eat salad grown in this way to be available in a major UK supermarket.
Dubbed the ‘Unbeleafable’ range, salads are grown pesticide-free and don’t need to be washed in chlorine to be ready to eat. They also stay fresh longer.
GrowUp’s farm at Pepperness, Kent, uses 100% renewable energy from the bioenergy plant it’s built next door to and uses 94% less water than salads grown in a field or greenhouse. Everything is grown, harvested and packed on-site, helping to shorten the supply chain and reduce emissions.
Vertically farmed products could help to improve the resilience of food systems in the UK and elsewhere. With supply chain issues causing leaving shelves empty at supermarkets in recent years, GrowUp and other vertical farms are grown and harvested year-round in the UK.