The Uncommon store is an unmanned convenience store created by the IT division behind the Hyundai Department Store Group, and powered by Amazon Web Services. It’s situated in the recently-opened Hyundai Mall in Seoul.
To enter the store, shoppers must first install an app by scanning a QR code displayed at the entrance. Once an account has been set up and payment details registered, shoppers can move about the space, taking whatever they want while a network of sensors and cameras detects everything they pick up and seamlessly charges the customer for them as they leave.
The store stocks a variety of convenience items, from food and drink to personal care items and disposable cameras.
While we’ve seen many unmanned stores open globally in the past few years, what’s most interesting about the Uncommon Store is its retro-futuristic aesthetic, adding the type of visually arresting design usually associated with experiential retail to a format that is geared towards speed and convenience.