Starbucks’ Oleato line combines Italian classics coffee and olive oil

Inspired by Italy, Starbucks introduces the new Oleato line, featuring coffees made with olive oil.

Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz was inspired during a trip to Sciliy to combine two Italian classics. The idea originated from the locals’ tradition of taking a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil with their morning brew.

Oleato, a play on the Italian words oliva (olive) and oliato (oiled, or smooth), was trialled in Milan, and was at first met with scepticism. Although not opposed to Starbucks coffee, residents said that the two could not possibly be paired well together. Others were not in favour just due to the cultural significance of both coffee and olive oil.

However, those with the courage to try the new line said the coffee had a ‘sweeter taste’ and ‘went down smoother’. Although originally opposed to Starbucks’ Italian expansion because of the importance of localism in café culture, the area is moving away from traditionalism to become more international and experimental. Starbucks Oleato combines two time-honoured Italian elements in a contemporary experience, and is largely praised by those brave enough to explore the drinks.

After being introduced in Milan in February 2023, Oleato is expanding to select Starbucks Reserves across the US in March. Japan, the Middle East, and the UK are expected to see Oleato in stores later this year. The line consists of both hot and cold beverages.

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29/03/2023 Italy