Seibu Railway introduces simultaneous translation tech to help tourists at train stations

Seibu Railway, one of Japan’s biggest railway companies, is introducing a simultaneous translation system to help foreign tourists navigate Tokyo’s notoriously intricate metro network.

The new semi-transparent display, measuring 40cm x 70cm, presents translations on the screen at the same time as station staff are speaking. The VoiceBiz UCDisplay supports Japanese and 11 other languages, including English, French and Spanish.

Previously, station staff relied on translation apps. However, this translation window enables face-to-face interactions to continue, letting the nuances of facial expressions and gestures come through.

Seibu Railway says that the device is particularly helpful for customers with more nuanced inquiries, such as seeking directions or local area information. Traditional ticket machines and manned windows will also remain available.

The display has been installed at Seibu-Shinjuku station, one of Tokyo’s busiest and most complex transportation hubs, serving approximately 135,000 passengers daily. Following a three-month testing period, Seibu Railway is planning a full-scale rollout of the system in the autumn.

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07/09/2023 Japan