Samsung’s new washing machine captures microplastics

Every time a load of laundry goes on, it’s contributing to the climate crisis and this is a problem that’s getting worse thanks to the rise of synthetic clothing.

This is due to the microplastics that ‘shed’ from any non-natural fibres during the washing process, most commonly nylon or polyester fibres. These microplastics make their way back into the environment, where they can cause serious damage to the organisms that unknowingly consume them. They are also increasingly showing up in human bloodstreams, with as-yet unknown long-term consequences.

Consumer electronics giant Samsung has partnered with Patagonia in a year-long partnership that’s resulted in innovative new technology designed to combat the microplastics menace posed by our dirty laundry.

The company announced that it has developed a filter that catches microplastics released from clothing and prevents them from making their way into the environment. Samsung claims that the filter can reduce microplastic waste by 54%.

With 88% of people globally in support of an international treaty to address plastic pollution, according to Ipsos, innovations in this space will continue to grow in commercial appeal.
