REWE’s ‘supermarket on wheels’ bus service caters to rural communities

For spring 2023, German retail giant REWE, in partnership with railway firm Deutsche Bahn (DB), is trialling a ‘supermarket on wheels’ that will supply rural communities.

It’s not the retailer’s first attempt to serve consumers in rural areas – a significantly underserved cohort – as just over a year ago, a REWE ‘supermarket train’ toured Hesse.

This time a fully stocked bendy bus will supply the area, getting around some of the geographical limitations of the rail network. The bus will be stocked with 700 different products, with a core offering of fairtrade, organic products and locally produced goods.

The initiative helps contribute to climate protection as fewer people have to drive long distances to get to the nearest supermarket by car. The bus also features extra air conditioning and can be operated for up to eight hours using rechargeable batteries.

In addition to offering convenience, especially for those who don’t have their own means of transport, REWE hopes the bus will fulfil a social function by providing a space where community members will run into each other.

01/03/2023 Germany