Pokémon Sleep is the mobile app that gamifies sleep

The long awaited mobile app game Pokemon Sleep is set to launch in summer 2023.

The game is essentially a sleep tracker that rewards users and allows them to interact with Pokémon characters by sleeping. Users simply leave their smartphone by their bedside and the app records and tracks their sleep. Nights of sleep will be classified into three categories – dozing, snoozing and slumbering – and the longer you sleep, the more Pokemon will appear on the screen.

The game revolves around researching the different sleep types of Pokemon, with frequent appearances from Snorlax, a large Pokemon best known for its prodigious sleeping. The longer you sleep, the more other Pokemon will appear around Snorlax by the time you wake up. By getting a good nights’ sleep, players can unlock different ‘sleep styles’ – encouraging them to find them all. Users can also set voice prompts from Pikachu himself on when it’s time to go to sleep or wake up.

The game is designed to incentivise healthier sleeping habits, and to track sleeping data in a fun and engaging way. Poor sleep has been linked to a variety of health issues from pre-teen mental health to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. As consumers become increasingly aware of the negative long term effects of not getting a good nights’ sleep, Pokemon Sleep offers a lighthearted approach to improving sleep hygiene.
