Hyundai launches a seed-to-table restaurant using produce from its own robotic vertical farm

In June 2024, Hyundai Motor Group opened a smart vertical farm at its innovation centre in Singapore to grow produce for its new restaurant, Na Oh, led by Corey Lee, a three-star Michelin chef.

In an effort to blend innovation, tradition and sustainability, this addition to the Hyundai centre is equipped with a two-storey vertical smart farm with designated seeding, growing and harvesting areas, as well as specially commissioned ABB robots to cultivate the crops. There are 568 growing towers on site. A conveyor belt and tray-stack system supplies water, light and humidity to all the plants within the facility. Over 30kg of produce are produced daily, ensuring a constant supply of fresh menu options for Na Oh.

With only 1% of land available for agricultural efforts, 90% of Singapore’s food is sourced from 183 different countries. To combat this, the country has launched a new initiative to expand its home sourced produce to 30% through more creative means by 2030, which Hyundai’s Na Oh is helping achieve through this technological culinary venture.

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04/09/2024 Asia