Hyke adopts recyclable aluminium bottles for its premium gin

Hyke Gin will use aluminium bottles for its premium gin in order to reduce its environmental footprint and reduce transportation costs.

In 2024, the brand adopted 100% recycled aluminium bottles for packaging as a part of a broader industry trend towards greener solutions in the UK. This shift was propelled by concerns around environmental sustainability and rising costs of glass. As a fully recyclable option, aluminium significantly reduces waste and carbon emissions leaving behind a better carbon footprint. The packaging also satisfies weight reduction requirements as well as lowered risk of breakability during transport, further reducing waste and reproduction costs.

This lighter packaging has allowed Hyke Gin to reduce its shipping weights by 40%, resulting in heavily reduced transportation costs. This case exemplifies Hyde Gin’s proactive response to both conscious consumerism and market pressures.

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11/09/2024 United Kingdom