Concert venue Wigmore Hall appeals to neurodivergent audiences with low stimulus events

In March 2023, London classical music venue Wigmore Hall announced it would be hosting a series of ‘low stimulus’ concerts throughout the year for neurodivergent audiences.

The performances are geared towards those who prefer a calmer and quieter environment, using natural lighting and minimal tannoy announcements. During the events, noisy hand driers in the toilets will be turned off and attendees will be allowed to leave and re-enter the venue. The music performed will be specially selected to offer pieces without loud or sudden volumes.

After a number of successful pilot concerts, the programme kicks off with performances by classical guitarists Miyabi Duo, with more events set to be announced later in 2023.

With around 15-20% of the population exhibiting some form of neurodivergence, there is lots more companies can do to meet the needs of this cohort, whether it’s through dedicated programming or simply creating more neurodivergent-friendly environments in stores and workplaces.

New Photos of the hall Summer 2019 Hall 2019 photos summer
19/04/2023 London